Wednesday 5 June 2013

Fatigue: Methotrexate's Nasty Sidekick

Fatigue: Methotrexate's Nasty Sidekick

You know that old saying about insult and injury? Bad accompanying bad? Well that just about sums up how I've been feeling lately... Well, when I'm managing to stay alert long enough to feel anything, that is! 

Lately I've been suffering at the hands of methotrexate's partner in crime... Fatigue. 

Methotrexate causing fatigue is no new discovery, in fact, research has led me to discover that internet forums are inundated with hoards of posts from concerned patients surrounding the issue. 

The unfortunate truth is, I'm yet to meet a a methotrexate user who hasn't experienced fatigue, amongst other nasty side effects.

But merely knowing that as a side effect fatigue is 'normal' and not necessarily a cause for concern, by no means makes the every day battles that methotrexate users face any easier to 'cope with.' 

We're left obsessing over what's a healthy level of fatigue,  if such a thing exists at all? And when the last thought to cross your mind as you fall face first into your noodles at lunch time is 'maybe fatigue has become a bit of a problem here...' You're forced to face facts - perhaps no level of fatigue is 'healthy.' 

Some users have experienced patterns of fatigue, notably on the day of taking methotrexate, or the subsequent days. For some fatigue can hit in a sudden blow, before returning to equilibrium until the next devastating dose. 

For others fatigue can be a constant steady stream of lethargy, that relentlessly impacts upon day to day life. 

Here's the light at he end of the tunnel: Some people have reported that as time goes by, with each dose, the fatigue becomes a little easier to cope with. This is likely because you're 'adjusting' to the effect of the drug. 

In the mean time, how can you make life a little easier for yourself? 

First step in combating fatigue is to speak to the doctor who prescribed methotrexate. Your doctor can prescribe folic acid and sometimes vitamin B12 that can be a huge help. 

Some users have found that planning ahead can increase their sense of 'get up and go' in combating the effect of fatigue. Holly,  34, fromTulsa, has been taking methotrexate for over three years. She said: "Don't over do it before or after taking methotrexate. Try writing yourself a list, and even out your chores across the week. You'll find the fatigue won't be half as bad." 

It is well known that fatigue can cause depression, that can in turn worsen fatigue. For this reason it is important to treat yourself well. 

You know that old saying about an apple a day? It's not just something your mum made up to cheapen the packed lunch shop each week! So, try to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet. 

During those precious times when you're feeling a little more like 'you' and a little less like an extra fromThe Walking Dead, try to get some gentle exercise. I know, I know, sounds like a contradiction, right? WRONG. A lot can be said for getting the body moving and the blood pumping, and although you might not feel like it beforehand, you know you'll feel better for it afterward. 

Finally, always set some time aside each week to spoil yourself. Whether that means taking your screaming kids to the park for an hour of sunshine and a 99, or locking yourself in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your head and cucumber stuck to your eyes - it's of upmost importance that you allow yourself the time to do the things YOU enjoy. 


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